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Loan Payment

Making Payments to Your Loan

You can now make payments to your loan at Oak View National Bank with ease! If you plan on making your payment from a checking account here at Oak View, simply log into Digital Banking, navigate to the loan, and click "Submit a Payment" in the bottom right corner.

Log into Digital Banking

Making Payments by Card or ACH

Payment can be made using a MasterCard or Discover credit card, or a debit card from VISA or MasterCard. You also have the option to create an ACH payment directly from your bank account at another financial institution.  Payments are processed through a third party called LenderPay. Please note: LenderPay will not allow VISA Credit Cards to be used, as this is a limitation within the VISA Rules.

  • When a customer chooses to utilize this new payment option, they will be accessed a convenience fee.
    • Payment by Credit Card(MasterCard or Discover) 2.95% of payment
    • Payment by Debit Card--$7.95
    • Payment by ACH--$2.95
Make a Payment

Other Limitations